Do Veterinarians Recommend CBD Oil?
Cannabis is available as a medicine for humans, but do veterinarians recommend CBD oil for cats and dogs?
Veterinarians are currently not prescribing or recommending CBD oil as a treatment option for cats and dogs. As medicinal cannabis is relatively new in Australia, more research and clinical trials are needed to decide on the best CBD oil treatment for pets. Veterinarians in North America and Europe can recommend CBD oil for cats and dogs.
There are ongoing trials in Australia to understand the short-term and long-term effects of CBD oil on pets.
Even though vets will not advise or recommend the use of CBD oil, they can still prescribe it to your pets. Your cat or dog may receive a prescription for CBD oil after going through a somewhat long and tedious application process.
Once more clinical studies have concluded that CBD oil is safe for pets, veterinarians will be able to recommend CBD oil for cats and dogs.
So far, evidence has shown that CBD oil is a relatively safe and effective treatment for pets with arthritis, epilepsy (seizures), anxiety, chronic pain, and much more.
THC on the other hand appears to be toxic for a lot of animals and can cause a wide array of damage to your pet.
Veterinarians recommend against human CBD oil as it may contain trace amounts of THC or artificial sweeteners that can cause serious damage to your pet.
Some pet owners have taken the leap before veterinarians have recommended the safe use of CBD oil.
Only the purest form of CBD oil without any artificial chemicals and THC may be suitable for pets. The danger of self-medicating your pets is that you might not know what you are giving them. CBD can be mixed with a wide range of ingredients that might hurt your pet.
Both the TGA and veterinarians are recommending that pet owners wait for more conclusive evidence that CBD oil is a safe and effective medical treatment for pets.

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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