Can I bring CBD oil back to Australia?
CBD oil is legal in Canada, the USA, and Europe, but can you bring it back to Australia? Should I be worried about CBD oil being found in my carry-on or check-in luggage?
You are allowed to use CBD oil outside of Australia where it is legal. You can also bring CBD oil back to Australia as well. As an Australian, if you have a prescription for CBD oil, you are allowed to bring up to three months’ worth. Types of CBD Oil is legal and available over the counter in Australia. You can bring medical CBD oil back without a prescription under the traveller’s exemption.
Coming To Australia With CBD Oil
A lot of people are accessing CBD oil over the counter in North America as marijuana is fully-legalised in most areas.
Compared to South Korea where you can be imprisoned on your way back after using marijuana in another country, Australia’s laws are quite relaxed.
When entering Australia with medicinal CBD oil, you are allowed to bring up to three months’ worth.
You are not allowed to bring medicinal CBD oil for someone else.
International visitors are allowed to bring medicinal CBD oil back to Australia without a medical prescription.
If you are bringing CBD oil back to Australia, you need to make sure you either have a prescription and/or avoid having more than three months of CBD oil.
The definition of “three months worth” is subjective, but an example would be 2-3 litres of CBD oil would be too much.
The CBD oil you bring back has to be labelled. It cannot be home-made medicinal CBD oil that is bottled without any labelling showing official medical-grade production.
Yes, you are able to bring back CBD oil to Australia. If you are an international visitor, you can bring back personal use medicinal cannabis products under the Traveller’s Exemption.
You cannot bring more than three months worth of CBD oil. The amount is subjective, but one or more litres could be considered more than three months worth.
If you have a prescription for CBD oil, you can bring back the amount on the prescription or up to three months.
The medicinal CBD oil you bring back to Australia has to have labels on it and it cannot be a home-made

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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