CBD Oil: Over The Counter Or Prescription?
Medicinal CBD oil is available in Australia since its legalisation in 2016, but can you buy it from chemists, pharmacists or does it come from cannabis clinics?
CBD oil is legal and available from chemists, pharmacies, and cannabis clinics. After receiving a prescription for CBD oil from your doctor, you can buy the oil from your local or online chemist. Chemists sell CBD isolate, Full-Spectrum and Broad-Spectrum CBD oil. Some types of CBD oil are available over the counter at pharmacies and chemists in Australia.
Can I Buy CBD Oil From The Chemist?
The most common question about medicinal cannabis that pharmacists receive is “can I buy CBD oil over the counter?”
Even though we can celebrate Australia’s legalisation of medicinal cannabis since 2016, high dosage CBD oil has yet to completely become an over the counter drug.
Low dosage types of cannabidiol (CBD oil) have become available over the counter and pharmacies and chemists in Australia.
Chemists have just started accessing medicinal CBD oil products in the form of:
- full-spectrum CBD oil (CBD and THC)
- broad-spectrum CBD oil (cannabis oil without THC)
- CBD isolate oil (pure CBD)
In order to buy the higher dosages of CBD oil at your chemist, you require a prescription.
CBD oil ranges from $150 to 400. The price depends on the strength, potency, and brand of CBD oil.
Chemists now have CBD oil from Australia, Canada, and the USA.
The price of CBD oil and other medicinal cannabis products may drop in the near future once they are supported by Australia’s PBS system.
The PBS system will significantly reduce the cost of CBD oil patients pay. Currently, you will pay an estimated $200 per month, and in the future, it may be reduced to $50-100.
The Government Changes Cannabis CBD Laws In 2020
A review of the federal Poisons Standard law lead to an amendment that allows Australians to purchase low dosage CBD products over the counter without a prescription.
The TGA performed a safety review of CBD oil to understand the different effects of low and high dosage products on the human body.
Even though Australia has had great success with CBD oil as a medical treatment, the barriers to patient access made it too expensive for many Australians to continue treatment.
Making CBD oil available over the counter at pharmacies or chemists in Australia is now legal, and this should encourage more competitive pricing and affordable products to be cultivated in Australia or imported from North America.

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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