Will CBD Oil Break Your Fast?
Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diet plans in the world today—and for good reason. With thousands of men and women posting about how fasting helped them get their bodies back, it’s not surprising that a lot of those who want to lose weight are jumping on the bandwagon.
Note: Cannabis is an unregistered medicine that is only available vai the TGA’s Special Access Scheme. Only a doctor can decide if you will be eligible for medical cannabis therapy.
If you’re one of these people and you’re taking CBD oil, you’re probably wondering if taking CBD products does break your fast. Let’s find out:
Will taking CBD oil break your fast?
The answer depends on the reason you’re doing intermittent fasting. If you are fasting to speed up your metabolism and lose weight, taking CBD oil will not break your fast because it’s composed purely of fat that doesn’t have any effect on your ketosis.
Just make sure that the CBD oil doesn’t have any added sugar or other components that could stimulate insulin production and break your fast. CBD is also beneficial for preventing inflammation, which is the same effect as fasting.
On the other hand, if you’re fasting to let your gut rest, taking CBD oil can break your fast because it goes through your digestive system to be broken down and absorbed by the small intestines before being metabolized by the liver.
Why do you need to avoid CBD oil when fasting?
Although CBD oil doesn’t have any huge impact on fasting, experts recommend that you avoid it completely if you want an authentic fast.
Water, green tea and black coffee are the only non-caloric beverages that you should take if you want to get the maximum benefits of fasting. Some people may argue that CBD oil is okay as long as it’s taken in small doses.
But some CBD products can also carry coconut oil that could break your fast and other CBD products like gummies and other edibles will have higher amounts of sugar that could easily take you out of ketosis. So, avoiding it altogether would ensure that you’re getting the best outcomes from intermittent fasting.
Can you benefit from breaking a fast with CBD oil?
Intermittent fasting can be very challenging because of the physical and mental effects of skipping meals. Although your body may begin to adjust to not eating breakfast and other meals, the feeling of missing out on something that you’re used to doing could make it harder for you to overcome the challenges of fasting.
It also goes the same with using CBD oil where you could easily miss taking it in the morning or within the day. But while there are some effects of using CBD oil while fasting, it’s actually okay to take it to allow your body to restore its balance in a lot of ways.
For instance, a 2016 study revealed that CBD oil is beneficial for speeding up metabolism, which is also a good way to lose weight. At the end of the day, it’s all about finding the balance between keeping yourself healthy and making sure that you get the most benefits out of intermittent fasting.
- https://www.remedyreview.com/health/will-cbd-oil-break-a-fast/
- https://www.zerofasting.com/will-it-break-my-fast-part-ii/

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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