CBD Oil and Breastfeeding: Is It Safe For Breast Milk?
There is a lot of CBD oil information out there on the internet. CBD oil has become very popular in recent years as people have learned about its potential health benefits. But what about CBD oil and breastfeeding?
Is it safe to use CBD oil while breastfeeding? To date, there is not enough scientific evidence to show that CBD oil is safe for breast milk. This article will look at the research on CBD oil and breastfeeding and discuss the potential risks involved.
CBD oil is a cannabis-derived product that contains CBD, or cannabidiol. CBD is one of the many compounds found in cannabis, and it has been shown to have some potential health benefits, including relief from anxiety and pain.
However, there is limited data on the safety of CBD oil when used by breastfeeding mothers, and the fact that CBD oil will pass into breast milk makes it difficult for many experts to advise its use.
CBD oil is at little risk to adults and children. However, until more is known about the safety of CBD oil when used by breastfeeding mothers, it is best to avoid using CBD oil while breastfeeding. For now, CBD oil should be avoided by breastfeeding mothers. If you are interested in using CBD oil for its potential health benefits, please speak to your doctor first.
Consult your doctor before considering CBD oil while breastfeeding.
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What Are The Risks Vs Benefits of CBD Oil & Breastfeeding
There is limited data on the safety of CBD oil when used by breastfeeding mothers. CBD oil will pass into breast milk, making it difficult for many experts to advise its use. CBD oil is little risk to both adults and children.
Until more is known about the safety of CBD oil when used by breastfeeding mothers, it is best to avoid using CBD oil while breastfeeding. For now, CBD oil should be avoided by breastfeeding mothers. If you are interested in using CBD oil for its potential health benefits, please speak to your doctor first.
The Risks of Using CBD While Breastfeeding
A study in 2011 conducted by Chia-Shan Wong, PhD at The Cain Foundation Laboratories, concluded that prenatally exposed children exhibit behavioural and neurological problems(2).
Another study, conducted in 2016, released by the National Institutes of Health, revealed that exposure to cannabis during pregnancy could cause adverse outcomes for women and their infants, including low birth weight, placement in the neonatal intensive care unit and premature birth(3).
The studies that have shown the effect of cannabis on pregnancies aren’t as extensive. However, some studies have been by subjects who have been exposed for a long time to cannabis.
A study in 2013, “Cannabidiol changes P-gp and BCRP expression in trophoblast-like cell lines”, was conducted by researchers from the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, concluded that CBD use during pregnancy may modify the physiological characteristics in the placenta.
However, it should be remembered that the study did not base itself on the usage of CBD oil, which typically has the lowest to no levels of THC and was instead based on the marijuana plant, which is known to contain large amounts of THC.
CBD and marijuana aren’t identical, and it is impossible to conclude anything from this research.
These studies make doctors wary of recommending non-psychoactive CBD due to its close ties to marijuana and the absence of research on CBD on its own.
CBD has to be measured to determine how much CBD gets into breast milk. But, CBD is a highly lipophilic molecule, which means it is entirely fat-soluble. Therefore, it’s almost impossible to measure the CBD content within breast milk precisely.
Summary: Breast Milk & CBD Oil
CBD oil is a product that contains the compound cannabidiol, which is found in cannabis. CBD has been shown to have some potential health benefits, but there is limited data on its safety when used by breastfeeding mothers.
CBD oil will pass into breast milk, making it difficult for many experts to advise its use.
Until more is known about the safety of CBD oil when used by breastfeeding mothers, it is best to avoid using CBD oil while breastfeeding.
For now, CBD oil should be avoided by breastfeeding mothers. If you are interested in using CBD oil for its potential health benefits, please speak to your doctor first.
CBD Oil has been shown to have some fantastic benefits, and doctors are still researching the oil to find all of its benefits.
CBD oil is good for adults, but it has also been shown to be great for children. CBD oil can help with many different things, such as reducing anxiety, relieving pain, and helping people sleep better at night.
CBD oil is non-psychoactive, which means it doesn’t get you high. CBD oil is also a great alternative to medications.
If you are looking for an all-natural product that can help with a variety of issues, CBD oil might be the right choice for you!
Please consult your doctor before using CBD oil if you are breastfeeding.
This article was researched using these and other references:
- Cannabis and breastfeeding study
- Cannabise use in pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Marijuana use by breastfeeding mothers

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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