Does CBD Oil Make You Feel High Or Intoxicated?
Healthcare professionals and fitness gurus have been piloting the benefits of CBD for a while now.
Cannabis no longer has a dirty image attached to it. It’s now a billion-dollar industry with researchers and scientists recognizing the immense benefits to be gained from CBD, a unique compound found in cannabis plants.
With all the hype, you might find yourself asking “How does CBD feel though?”
It’s okay to be cautious about CBD, given that it is primarily obtained from cannabis. Not all of us are teenagers. Some people have no desire to get high again.
Thankfully, CBD or cannabidiol is a chemical compound present in marijuana and hemp plans with no psychoactive properties. Simply put, CBD has no intoxicating effects and offers anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving benefits to users.
Curious about CBD oil but worried about its psychoactive properties? In this article, we’ll look into more details regarding CBD oil that will put your worries to rest, thus helping you make the right decision.
Will I Get High After Using CBD Oil?
Right off the bat, let’s get this straight – CBD oil derived from hemp does not have any intoxicating effects.
As a matter of fact, it is among the 100+ non-psychoactive compounds present in the cannabis plant. CBD doesn’t get you stoned; instead, it makes you feel relaxed and calm.
The human body produces natural cannabinoid compounds. There’s an endocannabinoid system in the body that creates and receives cannabinoids. The CB1 & CB2 receptors are used by the brain to interact with cannabinoids.
Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the psychoactive compound present in cannabis.
It’s an intoxicating compound that affects brain neurotransmitters. It alters the communication between neural cells, thus impacting your sensory, time perception, movement, concentration, memory, and pleasure centres located in the brain by interacting with CB1 receptors.
CBD doesn’t interact with these receptors at all. Instead, CBD has an indirect interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system, thus offering several benefits including a reduction in inflammation and pain levels and relaxes the body.
To put it simply, CBD and THC react in two completely different ways with the brain. CBD doesn’t cause any memory loss, disorientation, or intoxication.
How Does Using CBD Oil Make People Feel?
It comes down to the product you’re using.
The effects of CBD oil is dependent on the level of extraction and concentration of the compound in the oil. There are different variants of CBD oil in the market with varying levels of CBD, THC, and other cannabis chemical compounds.
Each variant comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the options you generally find:
Marijuana-Derived vs Hemp-Derived CBD
CBD may be extracted from either marijuana or hemp.
Hemp is a high-fibre plant with industrial applications. It is generally used for making paper, rope, and clothing. While hemp does contain CBD, existing regulations require THC content not to exceed 0.3% for it to retain its hemp status. ‘Hemp oil’ does not necessarily mean CBD oil. In some cases, hemp oil may not have any CBD content in it.
Marijuana plants are primarily grown to extract THC from it. Although certain strains do contain CBD, the THC content in these plants outstrips the CBD material in it.
Unlike a hemp-derived CBD product, a marijuana-derived CBD product may have intoxicating effects on its users.
Existing federal regulations continue to outlaw marijuana-derived CDB oil. However, many states with recreational or medical cannabis legalization allow citizens to buy CBD products with over 0.3% THC concentration in them if the buyer is above 21 years of age or possesses a medical marijuana license.
You can find more information regarding marijuana state legalization laws on the website of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).
Broad Spectrum vs Full Spectrum vs CBD Isolate
Broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD are both obtained from hemp plants. The THC concentration is the primary difference between these full- and broad-spectrum CBD products.
Full Spectrum
A full-spectrum CBD product contains numerous cannabinoid compounds, terpenes, and THC content below 0.3%. A broad-spectrum product is originally a full spectrum extract that underwent different processes to eliminate its intoxicating effects.
What’s the advantage in buying a product with 0.3% THC? It’s not enough by any standards.
Leading medical experts think that CBD compounds are best taken with other compounds present in hemp: flavonoids, terpenes, and other chemical compounds.
A study conducted in 2005 revealed that people enjoy more anxiety and pain relief from full-spectrum CBD products compared to a broad-spectrum product.
Termed the ‘entourage effect’, researchers believe that it’s better to consume the full range of hemp cannabinoids for better results instead of consuming CBD alone.
Broad Spectrum
Some individuals may not want any THC content in their products at all. They are best served with a broad-spectrum CBD product.
These products contain flavonoids, terpenes, and many other non-intoxicating chemical compounds obtained from cannabis. They allow users to enjoy the entourage effect while simultaneously avoiding having to consume THC.
CBD Isolate
CBD isolate is a fine, white powdery substance that is made from CBD oil. It is entirely free of any flavonoids, terpenes, and other cannabinoid compounds.
CBD isolate’s popularity is on the wane as scientific researchers are coming out in support of the entourage effect. However, people who do not wish to intake THC or other cannabinoid compounds at any cost can go for CBD isolates.
CBD Forms
It doesn’t matter which CBD type you prefer – there’s always a product out there that suits your needs perfectly.
CBD oil or tincture is the most popular form. It is sold in blue or amber glass bottles. Users can take anywhere between a few drops of CBD oil to an entire dropper’s worth and place it under their tongue. Let it stay there for at least 30 – 90 seconds. The effects should kick in within a matter of minutes.
You can apply CBD directly on your skin with the help of a dropper. CBD may also be utilized topically. CBD-infused soaps, creams, and lotions are highly popular.
Making CBD-infused beverages isn’t as easy as adding CBD oil to water. There’s a unique infusing process that needs to be completed before it’s truly effective. Ensure that you buy your CBD beverages from a reputed company.
Better With CBD
You can feel relaxed and peaceful by consuming CBD-based products, which can reduce your inflammation, pain, and cortisol levels without getting you stoned.
Those of you who haven’t used CBD oil before are advised to start out with a 10 mg/ml dose of CBD oil. Place these drops underneath your tongue. Wait for thirty minutes for its effects to kick in.
You can eventually build up your dosage to 30 drops, thus gaining maximum benefits from this amazing product.

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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