How Many Cannabis Plants For Personal Use
- How many plants can I grow in Victoria
- How many plants can I grow in New South Wales
- How many plants can I grow in Queensland
- How many plants can I grow in Western Australia
With Canberra, ACT allowing people to grow marijuana for their personal use, do you know the cannabis limitations across Australia?
The growing, cultivation and harvesting of marijuana plants is illegal in most regions. Less than five plants may be considered personal use. First time offenders growing cannabis plants for personal use may be able to avoid criminal charges. Canberra, ACT, allows you to grow and use cannabis recreationally. Laws and rules about growing cannabis plants are different in each state.
The current and only legal method of growing cannabis plants is through a Medicinal Cannabis License that is covered under The Narcotics Drug Act 1967.
With this license, a person or company can grow, cultivate and harvest marijuana plants that will be used for medicinal purposes.
The laws around the personal use of cannabis is changing, and a lot of states are looking to decriminalise the personal use of marijuana.
Each state has different rules around the cultivation of marijuana, where some states consider personal use to be less than 20 plants and other regions might consider 5 plants to be intent to sell and supply.
Table of Contents.
How many plants can I grow in Victoria

Learn about how many cannabis plants you can grow for personal or medical use in Victoria.
For personal and recreational use, growing marijuana plants in Victoria is still illegal. The drug offences around this vary.
Each state varies, and Victoria also offers multiple drug diversion options.
How many plants can I grow in New South Wales

Learn about how many cannabis plants you can grow for personal or medical use in New South Wales.
NSW has a unique option called the “Medicinal Cannabis Compassionate Use Scheme” that allows people with terminal illness to gain access to marijuana.
The cultivation of marijuana plants in NSW is illegal. In general, you are not allowed to grow cannabis.
They also have drug diversion options that allow for first-time offenders to avoid criminal charges.
How many plants can I grow in Queensland

Learn about how many cannabis plants you can grow for personal or medical use in Queensland.
The cultivation of marijuana plants in QLD is illegal. In general, you are not allowed to grow cannabis.
There are drug diversion programs available to help first-time offenders avoid criminal charges.
How many plants can I grow in Western Australia

Learn about how many cannabis plants you can grow for personal or medical use in Western Australia.
The cultivation of marijuana plants in WA is illegal. In general, you are not allowed to grow cannabis.
Western Australia has a wide range of drug diversion programs that assists people in avoiding criminal charges.

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
Disclaimer: Cannabis Place are not doctors and we recommend consulting health professionals for accurate information. This site may contain information regarding drugs. This medicinal cannabis content is designed for an 18+ audience. Click here for our full disclaimer