Cannabis Phellandrene Terpenes: What Does It Do?
This cannabis terpene has a light aroma of citrus, Phellandrene also termed pepperminty and is supposed to contain various types of meaningful therapeutic medical values.
Ancient Chinese Medical Practitioners used Phellandrene to cure different gastric ailments. Turmeric leaf oil contains Phellandrene in abundance, which is used to treat different types of fungal infections.
Phellandrene is the most easily identified terpene in the testing laboratory. Sodium nitrate is used to treat the mixture of the solution that contains phellandrene solvent (oil containing Phellandrene) by adding some drops of Glacial Acetic Acid.
Crystalline phellandrene nitrate is formed very fast, which can be easily identified. Phellandrene was first found in Eucalyptus oil. It was mistaken as the Pinene or limonene before its discovery. But today, due to technological advances, we can trace this ingredient in most of the essential oils!
Phellandrene is found in various types of essential hemp and cannabis oils.
Phellandrene is found not only in marijuana, but most of the spices and herbs like garlic, cinnamon, ginger, dill, and parsley but also in plants like lavender and grand fir depict the traces of Phellandrene as their main constituent.
Some of the essential oils, not only like dill and pepper oil, are acknowledged due to their pungent and identifiable smells that are given by Phellandrene, but even ginger oil’s scent gets that recognization because of Phellandrene.
The main property of Phellandrene is can easily find their way through the human skin, and hence most of the perfume companies prefer it. Phellandrene is also useful in flavouring cannabis food products.

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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