Is CBD Oil Legal in Melbourne, VIC?
With all the excitement around hemp products and medical marijuana, do we know if cannabidiol (CBD) is legal in Melbourne, Victoria?
CBD oil is legal in Melbourne, Victoria, and is available with a prescription, and in low doses without a prescription over-the-counter. Doctors in Melbourne can give you CBD oil to treat epilepsy, MS, Parkinson’s and more. You can legally buy CBD oil at pharmacies in VIC with a prescription from your GP, Specialist or General Doctor.
CBD oil can be prescribed to patients for the following conditions:
- epilepsy
- arthritis
- sleep apnea
- chronic pain
- chronic fatigue
- spinal injury
- depression
- multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s
The Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015 has the Victorian government present CBD oil as a medical treatment for patients across the state.
Luckily patients with any medical condition existing for more than three months are able to apply for CBD oil at their local doctor.
Doctors and health professionals may be hesitant to prescribe CBD oil if they have not been trained on cannabis treatment.
Read more about where to buy CBD oil in Australia, and over the counter CBD oil that is available at pharmacies and chemists without a prescription - here!
Which doctors in VIC are authorised to prescribe medicinal cannabidiol (CBD)?
Victoria’s government allows you to receive a prescription for CBD oil from the following health professionals:
- your regular general practitioner
- cannabis clinic doctors
- specialists
The CBD used for medical purposes is not found inside of hemp foods, oils, kombucha or drinks. The prescription CBD oil has medical and therapeutic effects that Hemp food products do not have.
You can learn more about accessing CBD oil via the Victoria government website here.
The history and future of CBD in VIC
Let’s breakdown the history and future of legal cannabidiol CBD in Melbourne.
2015: Parliament discusses legalising medicinal CBD oil through a cannabis medical bill.
2016: VIC participates in the national legalisation of CBD discussion
2017: CBD is legalised with:
- doctors referral
- authorised prescriber (specialist) approval
- Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval
CBD oil is imported from Canada and provided to patients seeking access. Cannabis trained doctors are limited in Melbourne.
2018: Doctors are trained on CBD oil treatment and it soon becomes a popular medicine. Cannabis clinics open up to meet the demand of patients seeking marijuana oil treatment.
Cannabis access clinics are opening up with trained specialists ready to prescribe patients with CBD oil.
Local companies, Althea, start producing supplier patients with CBD oil via a courier service.
2019: The prices of CBD oil drops with the local supply of cannabis medicines being made across Australia.
Companies conduct clinical trials for medicinal CBD oil in VIC.
Local GPs are encouraged to prescribe medicinal CBD oil when treatment is safe and relevant.
Discussion opens up about having CBD oil legally available over the counter.
2020: The cost for CBD oil continues to drop due to local Victoria manufacturers.
(Future) The VIC Australian government allows for people to purchase CBD oil legally over the counter without a prescription.
CBD oil starts becoming a regular medicine to improve on peoples health. Similar to fish oil or vitamins.
2021: CBD oil becomes available without a prescription, over the counter, at pharmacies and chemists across Melbourne, Victoria. Everyday Australians are able to buy safe and affordable CBD oil products without the costly doctors visit to get a prescription!
2022: Cannabis becomes legal for personal use in Australia. You are now able to purchase CBD oil products at Woolworths or Coles.
The price of CBD oil drops dramatically due to an abundant supply and a competitive market in NSW.
Cannabis Oil | CBD Oil Over The Counter In Melbourne, VIC
CBD oil and other hemp products are now legally available over the counter at chemists and pharmacists across Australia.
As CBD oil is a relatively new product, and the legal over-the-counter selling is less than a year old, smaller chemists and pharmacists may not stock low dose CBD oil products.
If you are shopping around Melbourne, you may be able to find CBD oil in low doses available at Chemist Warehouse or other more popular and larger stores.
CBD oil is legal to take in Victoria.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a schedule 4 prescription medicine that any GP, local doctor or specialist can prescribe.
People can legally take CBD oil if they have a medical condition existing for three months or more.
2020 has never been so easy to buy CBD oil in Melbourne. You can enjoy GD Cann-C, Althea CBD Oil and more other locally made cannabis oil medicines.
Read more the legality of CBD oil here:
- Where Can You Buy Legal CBD Oil In Australia? - Finder.com.au
- How To Access CBD Oil Over The Counter - SmallCaps.com.au
- Chemist Warehouse CBD Oil Products in Melbourne, Victoria - AJP
- How To Buy CBD Oil in Low Doses Over The Counter - Victoria Broadsheet

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
Disclaimer: Cannabis Place are not doctors and we recommend consulting health professionals for accurate information. This site may contain information regarding drugs. This medicinal cannabis content is designed for an 18+ audience. Click here for our full disclaimer