Is It Legal To Smoke Marijuana in Sydney, NSW?
Sydney, NSW, is Australia’s biggest weed consumption hub. Sydney breaks all the records with smoking recreational marijuana or patients taking CBD and THC oil for medical use.
Even though the personal use of weed is not strict in Sydney, NSW, it is still illegal. Possession and recreational use of marijuana in NSW has not been legalised, and may include fines and the product’s confiscation if caught. You can smoke, vape, eat or drink cannabis products with a medical prescription.
You are allowed to possess and smoke marijuana in the comfort of your home if you have a medical certificate, but public use is still frowned upon.
You are free to smoke, vape, bake edibles, or take cannabis oils on private property and not in the public’s clear view.
Sydney has the largest market for personal weed, with gummies, oils, edibles, and dry buds being openly sold across the city.
If caught with marijuana and no medical prescription, you may receive a fine of $100-200.
Be street smart, don’t carry a huge amount of marijuana on you, and you will be in the ‘personal weed use’ category that is a lot safer, and has litte-to-no penalties.
A small amount is considered “personal use,” and a more substantial amount (over 500 grams) may be considered intent to sell. Intent to sell will be treated more seriously.
The NSW government has programs and laws in place to treat first-time offenders fairly. The Drug Diversion programs allows you to avoid a criminal record and to get off with a warning or a fine.
Overall, marijuana is still illegal. The penalties for personal use is minimal and can result in a small fine. NSW has Drug Diversion Programs, which allows you to avoid any criminal offense. You can legally smoke and use cannabis with a doctors prescription.
This article was researched using these and other references:
- New South Wales Guide To Cannabis - DrugInfo
- What Happens If You Get Caught With Weed In Sydney, NSW? Criminal Defence Lawyers
- The Cannabis Use Scheme - Health.nsw.gov.au

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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