Will New Zealand Legalise Marijuana Before Australia?
- What is the New Zealand Cannabis Vote?
- What will New Zealanders be able to do if this passes?
- How will this affect Australia?
In 2019 the world has been looking at Australia’s new legalisation of Cannabis in Canberra, ACT. But New Zealand is soon to change this by making a national 2020 Cannabis referendum vote that allows anyone aged 20 years to consume Marijuana legally.
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We are proud to see that our New Zealand cousins have taken the first big step to legalisation of Cannabis. Understanding that medical use of marijuana changes lives. Criminalisation of the recreational use of Marijuana has to change to benefit society.

What is the New Zealand Cannabis Vote?
The Justice Minister in New Zealand has revealed a proposed recreational Cannabis possession. They are allowing New Zealanders to both grow and purchase Marijuana for recreational use.
The leading question to New Zealanders is “Do you want supported the decriminalisation of marijuana and the legal recreation consumption of Cannabis?”
The proposed bill that legalises Cannabis includes:
- a minimum purchase age of 20
- a ban on marketing and advertising Cannabis products
- a requirement to include harm minimisation messaging on Cannabis products
- Not allowing Cannabis to be consumed in public
- Cannabis to be consumed in licensed venues or private properties
- Limiting the sale of recreational Cannabis to physical stores (no online retailers)
- Controls on the potency of recreational Cannabis being sold
Alongside this, a Cannabis Regulatory Authority group will be created to ensure - licenses are distributed to retailers and venues.
What will New Zealanders be able to do if this passes?
New Zealanders will be able to consume Cannabis recreationally in Weed Cafes, certain bars and at home. Whether you like to grow your own or purchase at your local store, everything will be legalised.
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There is a strict 14 gram limit on carrying this in public. The government is trying to enforce personal use and restrict dealing and distribution of Marijuana.
Once passed, you will be able to find both cafes to smoke in and retailers to buy both high quality and safe Cannabis for recreational consumption.
Outside of the day-to-day retail economy boom, New Zealand will experience, there will be a significant tourist interest to Auckland for this from Australia and Asia.
Aside from the retail “physical store” purchasing options, this bill resembles the Canberra, ACT legalisation bill that focuses on decriminalising the use of Cannabis.
Unfortunately, Australia is taking baby steps while New Zealand is making leaps and strides when it comes to the future of Cannabis that benefits both the people, health and economy.
How will this affect Australia?
As much as Australia has been New Zealand’s “Older Brother” when it comes to economic growth, we are falling behind. New Zealand is looking towards opening up an extensive national and international market in both import/export, tourism and retail with Cannabis.
Australia has the infrastructure, the demand for new agriculture jobs, but the inhibition to adopt progression trends of legalisation when it comes to Marijuana.
If New Zealand legalises the recreational use of Marijuana, it will mean that they will be “First To Market” and have an advantage over Australia with the Cannabis industry. Between research, retail and production of Cannabis, companies will look to New Zealand for investment opportunities over Australia.
We look forward to New Zealand and Canberra’s legalisation of Cannabis and hope that Australia will be given a similar opportunity to vote for legalisation of the recreational use of Marijuana.
Whether it’s 2020 or 2022, Australia will catch up to the international progressive trends of legalising the use of Marijuana.

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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