Does PGR Cannabis Get You High?
There are different ways to grow cannabis (marijuana, weed, etc.), and one of the more controversial (faster) ways is to use synthetic Plant Growth Hormones (PRH) called Plant Growth Regulators (PGR).
Plant Growth Regulators, similar to plant steroids, can be found in cannabis flowers, otherwise known as weed or marijuana buds that are smoked, vaped, and extracted into oils.
The question people are asking when buying, smoking or growing weed with PGRs is whether or not they get you high?
Does PGRs get you high or affect the quality of your cannabis when vaping or smoking?
Cannabis with PGRs features less psychoactive hairs and an abundance of non-psychoactive hairs called Pistils. The result is less of a traditional weed high that is found in cannabis buds with high amounts of THC.
Most cannabis users will report that buds with PGRs do get you high, but that feeling may be different than organic weed.
So does PGRs get you high? Yes, and the high is a mix of the traditional weed (THC) intoxication and a fast chemical high.
Chemical highs found in PGR laced cannabis is more addictive than pure organic cannabis due to this chemical high effect.
How does this PGR chemical high feel?
You may feel an instant and fast-hitting chemical high that will leave you feeling lethargic and having a lack of motivation.
The conclusion: avoid weed grown with PGRs as much as possible. The chemicals are harmful and can cause long-term damage. PGRs does get you high, but at the same time they will ruin the real organic weed high that is beloved by all.
The Research, Science & Evidence

James King
James is an experienced writer and legal cannabis advocate in Australia. He answers all the questions about business, legalisation and medicinal cannabis.
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