What Happens When You Smoke PGR Weed

What Happens When You Smoke PGR Weed

Find out what happens to the human body when you smoke or vape PGR marijuana!

What happens when you smoke PGR weed or marijuana? Whether you are smoking or vaping, the dangers of PGR cannabis has never been more evident.

Recently, health-conscious smokers made a move to quit smoking PGR cannabis.

They are aware of the dangers involved with chemical marijuana that is grown with plant growth regulators (or PGR’s).

The human body’s reaction to smoking PGR marijuana is typically included:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Potential liver damage
  • Potential infertility
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Nausea
  • Long-term exposure to PGR can lead to cancer
  • Addiction
  • Much More

Growers use these PGR chemicals, sometimes unknowingly, to promote short, stocky indoor growth.

We need to look closer at these compounds, their origins, where they can be found, what they do and how they were used in agriculture other than cannabis.

When Paclobutrazol is smoked, it is combusted and becomes nitrosamines. This compound is the most carcinogenic in cigarettes.

It is believed that cannabis grown with PGRs becomes volatile when it is combusted (smoked). The trace amounts of these chemicals break down in the heat and are inhaled with the gas.

Cannabis smoke can be toxic and even deadly for consumers.

Paclobutrazol affects a plant’s ability to elongate. This means that cannabis cells pack tighter and denser than usual.

It also prevents the growth of key terpenes and decreases the plant’s ability to produce THC.

Paclobutrazol is broken down into nitrosamines when buds containing it are smoked. The most carcinogenic component in cigarettes.

Research shows that paclobutrazol can have a negative impact on fertility and liver damage.

Alar is also known as Daminozide. Growers use it to increase bud yields by slowing down the growth of stems and leaves. It also reduces the production of cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN and THC, just like Paclobutrazol. It reduces overall resin production, which results in fewer trichomes.

The EPA has listed Daminozide as a probable human carcinogenic. Because of its potential to cause cancer in high doses, researchers in the United States banned it from being used in consumable plants.

It has been banned from human consumption in 1989, leading to numerous agricultural recalls.

As further testing has been conducted, many synthetic PGRs were also restricted.

Researchers will not approve it for use in food products. Therefore, it should not be smoked or eaten.

Stop buying the treated product to stop commercial growers using PGRs that can be very effective in increasing their yields.

Smokers will continue to buy it because it is hard to find and they don’t know better. Or, in most cases, smokers won’t mind paying a little more to get a smaller player product that was grown with love and care. Then, they’ll stop complaining about the PGR-soaked marijuana.

The Research, Science & Evidence

Disclaimer: Cannabis Place are not doctors and we recommend consulting health professionals for accurate information. This site may contain information regarding drugs. This medicinal cannabis content is designed for an 18+ audience. Click here for our full disclaimer